Saturday, May 26, 2012

Make Room for Divine Connections

Yesterday, I had a wonderful phone conversation that left me so bless, I could do nothing but thank God afterwards. I'm not a big phone person, but this was truly a Divine Connection from God. After the conversation, I began to reflect on the relationships and friendships I have had throughout my life.

One thing that is clear to me is that 2012 is a year like no other. It's defining year. I truly believe that we are in a season where we should be taking a inventory of those in our life. For everyone in our life, we should know their purpose for being their.-especially those in our most inner circle. In particular, those in our immediate circle, should be sent by God and connected to your destiny.

Often, this requires us to do some repositioning in our on life. Have you allowed God to maneuver the right people to your life and usher the wrong people out?  It's time. Children of God, be wise and discerning. You can't connect with everybody where God is taking you! Seek God in all things, including your relationships.

I use to cry when doors were shut and people would leave my life, now I say,"Thank You, Lord". Some people are not equipped or not predestined to go where you are going. Children of God, we must learn how and when to let go. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you. He is here to teach us ALL things!

Since I have learned to let go, I'm so thankful for the Divine connections GOD has brought in my life. I didn't have to force not one of these relationships, not make it happen. God did the work.

Some of y’all need to make room in your life for the Divine Connections God wants to bring you. Let me be clear. This means that some folks gotta go!

Eccl 3:1 teaches us that for everything there is a season. Some folks in your life season has been up a long time ago. Let them go and let God bless you with His best for you!

In the Bible, there were strategic partnerships that led people to their destiny. David/Jonathan, Ruth/Naomi and more. Ruth and Naomi were so connected that. Ruth would not leave her side. Now, that's a Divine Connection! Glory! Ruth's conscious choice to connect with Naomi,later led her to another divine connection- a life with Boaz. This was her destiny. Saints, what are we missing, because we won't let God do the connecting?

You should hunger to fulfill your predestined destiny, that your prayer should be :"Lord remove from me anything/ anyone that shouldn't be here"

Saturday, April 14, 2012

God's Got You Covered!

Thursday morning ,while commuting to work, there was a white pickup truck on the highway with a huge unsecured metal ladder. I have no idea why he did not have it secure! I was behind him and he fell out toward me. I could not move out of the way. There was too much traffic. We all had to slam on our breaks. Luckily the ladder stopped just right in front of me. It caused a collision behind me with the motorist. And no one could move. The man finally stopped his truck. It was a mess!
BUT, IT DID NOT TOUCH ME GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   God's got us, family! NOTHING gets past HIM! He's is our protector! Hallelujah! God is WORTHY!!!


The closer you get to your destiny, your #promise, the more direct are the enemy's attacks. He will try to take you out! But rest assured: God's got you #COVERED. This also means your closer to an explosion of your breakthrough than you think. Begin to expect the SUDDENLY from God!

  It's the enemy's job the get our eyes/focus of God and the promise. 

So, he sends distractions and turns up the heat hotter and hotter. 

That's when we have to remember our God. REMEMBER all that he has 

brought us through. He's the same God. He had us then & He was us 

now! Glory! Press in more. Stay focused. Imagine your promise. 

Speak His word. Don't let go. You're too close. God does not lie. If he 

said it, he is obligated to make it come to pass. He's not going to leave 

your where you are now. He's got to perform His work thru you!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Delaying the Promise

Recently, I have spoken to several people in the Body of Christ that operate in indecision. Beloved, It's 2012! Seek God and position yourself to hear Him clearly, then move!

The TRUTH is that God began giving out instructions for 2012 last year. It was 2011 that began the alignment process to walk in 2012. However, some of God's precious people are delaying and slowing down the possession of God's promises in their life due to distractions, unresolved issues, and being connected with people who not destiny mined. The results as God fearing people who love God and pray regularly still have road blocks that hinder God's clear instructions for their life.

Before your next move that you THINK God wants you to make, I urge you to STOP. Place everything on hold, and seek God for EVERY are of your life Your DESTINY DEPENDS ON IT!

Stop letting distractions, unresolved issues, and people retard your #PURPOSE!!!! Some of ya'll have on step in your purpose, but one step/foot back in uncertainty. This is a position that only causes confusion, which is not of God. And holding that position is not productive. Two opposing sides are pulling like a tug of war. Now who do you think is going to win? God's predestined purpose! But DONT USE GOD'S PREDESTINED PURPOSE AS A COP OUT. Newsflash: YOU HAVE TO DO YOUR PART.

Many of you are waiting on God make changes in your life, when God is waiting on YOU
Yes, God is waiting on YOU to make the necessary changes in your life to position yourself for His promise in your life. Some of ya'll have too many people speaking into your lives. Tell them, "I love you,but I got to hear THIS one from GOD!" In fact access those people, are they destiny minded? Have they caught from the Spirit of God the vision God has for you? Beloved, you don’t have time in 2012 to be catching people up to your vision. No, 2012 is a strategic year. You need to be strategic with your time, energies, and relationships. You time and energies must be focused on the vision at hand. Therefore your relationships must be Divine Connections for that purpose. Let's “man up” and make the right choices for the success of being found faithful to what God called us to do for the advancement of the Kingdom.

Beloved, I love you. You are family. My heart's desire is for you to get the most and become what you were predestined to be in 2012.  Therefore, I can't tell you what you want to hear in 2012. I am responsible to God. Instead, my heart is to equip you so that you can hear God say to you, “Thy good and faithful servant”. Glory!! Therefore, get in place, beloved ! Align EVERY area of your life. YOUR DESTINY DEPENDS ON IT!

I'm not playing this year! There's too much that needs to be accomplished!  I'm about my Fathers business. Beloved, no more excuses.

This is the year of faith. It'cause for a faith that you have never had before. For some of us, this is difficult. We find ourselves comparing the unction in our spirit with mistakes we man in the past. Should I leave my job? Is it time to move? Is he/she really my husband /wife? He must learn to trust God and ourselves. God' got us. He has more invested in this than youdo. After all, it is HIS vision! This fight is fixed. You can't loose. Beloved, allow God to teach you how unique THIS season is. I just heard God say, "Fret NOT. You're coming out Pure Gold!

In 2012, I have made up my mind not to let anything hold me back. That's so last Allow the Father to transform you for His glory! I'm standing in the gap for #predestined results! I'm staying on my post for for #predestined results! #intercession

Therefore, I pray for everyone who reads this blog post and everyone connect to you

I bind up the spirit of witchcraft & manipulation! I command you to let God's people go in the name of JESUS! I bind up that spirit of confusion & fear! I command you to let God's people go in the name of JESUS! All fear, deception, and demonic assignments- I bind you & throw you back to the pit of hell from hence you came!

I declare and decree your SHALL receive a #harvest for what you have #sown in this predestined  season. I speak directly to harvest  forth our from any hindrance or roadblock! Roadblocks, non-destiny alliances, demonic assignments, fear, deception -I command you to move & be casted down. We will only accept predestined results in JESUS NAME!

Monday, January 9, 2012

God is a God of All Seasons

 Few people know this about me, but my favorite holiday season is New's Eve/New Year's. It's marked with so much spirit of renewal, expectancy, and rebirth. My spirit man literally leaps toward the end of the year with anticipation of what God has next. The turning of the year was no different.   I knew in my spirit that 2012 would be a year like no other. It's the year that marks the beginning of  great outpouring and manifestation of God's will and purpose. Things we have heard prophesied and read His word; now is the set time. God will show His glory like never before. Isn't it awesome how God chooses to imperfect vessels like us to advance His purpose? Wow! I'm just humbled.

And yet, I have spoken to many and can sum it up by saying the last few years were difficult most. they were trying and challenging years.Some of us have faced things in this past few years that we would have never thought of.  The last few years have been church hurt, recession, job loss, decrease in income, my parents getting divorced after 40 years,  relocation to a new state,  and being diagnoises with a cyst on my left ovary. I could go on and list my trials over the last few years, I know that things come to mind in your life. But, do you know what? We made it!!!! Hallelujah.  And we learn somethings about God and ourselves in the process. I am a living witness that God has worked it all out for mygood! God is no respector of persons. He can and shall do the same for you!

So, at the end of the I'm reflecting on all God has done. I'm so thankful and looking forward to the next step in God. Then, the new year hits. I'm good for a few days, then suddenly I'm in a funk that It's explain. I'm just feeling down and I'm wondering where all that excitement went. It was so uncharacteristic of who I am, I began talking to God. This is what He shared with me.

 God wants us to trust Him in EVERY season of our lives.There is something contagious about the end of the year. We anticipate/expectancy the change of a new year. We’re poised for our new season.   
However after the holidays settle, we are left with the reality that our lives appear to be the same until the manifestation of our change arrives. The momentum of the change of the New Year subsides and now all may seem quiet.  We may question, did I miss it God?

For God says:  FEAR NOT!  I am with you.  I am you God in ALL seasons... valleys and peaks.  Trust what I have put in heart before the turn of the year. I am working it out.

Take this time of quiet to rest in Him; listen to Him for direction, giving him thanks for what is still to come. Personally, I started a prayer journal. I have written every word from God He has spoken to me just prior to the New Year. Inside are the victories and answers to prayer of 2011. Addtionally, are the startegic instructions God had given me as we walk this thing out step by step. Yes, 2011 was the year that learned truly what it meant that God is my Good Shepard. I'm allowing Him to order my steps weather the path is light; or it seems dark and slient. For “Lo, i am with you always” is with me (Mat 28:20).