Saturday, April 14, 2012

God's Got You Covered!

Thursday morning ,while commuting to work, there was a white pickup truck on the highway with a huge unsecured metal ladder. I have no idea why he did not have it secure! I was behind him and he fell out toward me. I could not move out of the way. There was too much traffic. We all had to slam on our breaks. Luckily the ladder stopped just right in front of me. It caused a collision behind me with the motorist. And no one could move. The man finally stopped his truck. It was a mess!
BUT, IT DID NOT TOUCH ME GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   God's got us, family! NOTHING gets past HIM! He's is our protector! Hallelujah! God is WORTHY!!!


The closer you get to your destiny, your #promise, the more direct are the enemy's attacks. He will try to take you out! But rest assured: God's got you #COVERED. This also means your closer to an explosion of your breakthrough than you think. Begin to expect the SUDDENLY from God!

  It's the enemy's job the get our eyes/focus of God and the promise. 

So, he sends distractions and turns up the heat hotter and hotter. 

That's when we have to remember our God. REMEMBER all that he has 

brought us through. He's the same God. He had us then & He was us 

now! Glory! Press in more. Stay focused. Imagine your promise. 

Speak His word. Don't let go. You're too close. God does not lie. If he 

said it, he is obligated to make it come to pass. He's not going to leave 

your where you are now. He's got to perform His work thru you!