Sunday, August 28, 2011

Connections while reaching toward the Mark

 Part of reaching to become who God has called you to become is to discern the season you are currently in. With each level that I am ushered into, there is a shift in the connections in my life. I used to become alarmed, upset , & take personally when people left my life. At times, I even found myself holding onto a relationships after they no longer served any purpose in my life. I confess, I held on to a relationship for 5yrs that was dead long before I finally walked away.

Dearhearts, we have to be be wise and really seek God. The Bible tells was in all our getting , get understanding (Prov 4:7) The more we are aware that we have a unique purpose, we will understand that not everyone can go with us – no matter how bad we want them to or they want to. If you have people like that in your like, I understand it maybe had to let them go. But, the stakes of you reaching your destiny are too high for you to not to let them go. This has been hard lesson for me because I care for people so much. Additionally, I used to let the devil pay the loyalty card on me. Loyalty is so important to me. So, I would feel guilty for ending what was already dead. Don't let the devil play you! Like Eve in the garden entertaining the serpent in conversation( see my Twitter TL for that), we spend too much  time letting the serpent whisper in our ear. You know when God has spoken to you about a thing. It does no one any service to linger out a dead thing. In fact, it hurt everyone more in the long run.

It's been a process , but I have also learned how to embrace and desire that which is before me more than holding onto the past just because it's familiar and comfortable. For each new level in my life, it requires me to become more and more like Abraham... step out by faith, forgetting what is behind, and the expectations of others. My desire to God and hear Him call me the good & faithful servant... is stronger than you needing me to hold on to a dead relationship. Have you ever considered that the person, could grow more without you? Meaning,  sometimes we become crutches for folk without realizing it. That's why they beg us to hold on so much. But if you sstep out of the way, focus of your destiny, & let the Holy Ghost finally have His way in their lives! Now Wow! That's a whole another sermon. :)

I welcome the true Divine connections that God has placed in my life to further His purpose for His Kingdom. Dearhearts, we just need to keep the right focus. Our decisions must be Kingdom Minded. So, they must line up with the purpose God has given you. For exmaple, if you are saving to buy home, you decisions must align with that goal. So, we can agree that eating out regularly takes way from your goal. Anything that does not align with you goal, destiny, etc is pulling you away from it. We have entered into the season where it is no longer acceptable to be pulled in many different ways just to satisfy everyone else. For those of you like me, I have to be delivered from pleasing people. I still love people, though when you get delivered, not everyone will understand. Some will give you guilt trips. However, you stay focused with your eyes on the mark of your High Calling.

Recently, I have had some wonderful Divine connections that, through my experience of them, my hunger for God and reaching for all Has of me to do has grown. Your connections should stir you inside, challenge you, stretch you,  increase you, and more. These are also like minded people. You speak the same language.   I have learned to place great value and guard diligently reaching toward the mark that God has given me & those Divine connections. I do not apologize for this process and nor should you.

Love you much!

Growing  faith by faith...level by level...  glory to glory together in Christ


Your fruit is coming!

This  entire blog is about starting over, having the faith to begin a new ,ultimately reaching forward once again to your destiny.  My  journey has brought me to a place where I guard reaching toward that mark with all diligence. I also regconize  the Divine connections that God has placed in my life at each level of victory.  And with each level there are new devils.  Yes, you win in the end. But, there will be a battle.  Make no mistake.  The battle with be with others not understanding your destiny,  spiritual  & demonic attacks, & within your own mind. I have experienced it all.  Fighting for your destiny... the closer you get...will be the fight of your life.  At least, it has been for me.  Pain births much.  Embrace it. Push through it. And grow. Use this time to become all God need to become to fulfill your destiny for the Kingdom. There is a people that  is waiting for what God has placed inside of you. For me, it's  hurting people. Who are you called too? This is your  season  to discover, grow, & birth.

You shall win and bring forth much fruit! Stay focused.  Keep your mind stayed on the Word of God and Jesus Himself!  Greater is He that  in you than He that is in the world. Declare that you shall reach your goal in God ordained since the beginning of time.