Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Your Process

Today on Twitter, I read a tweet that said, “It is possible for someone to be a Christian &___" The answer is yes! We forget Christians are humans who deal with. But, the GOOD NEWS is that, we can be delivered with God’s help.

Just because one struggles, doesn't make them unChristian. Where did we get that from, Church? I bind up the lie from the pit of Hell that says Christians are perfect and don’t’ struggle!! This only keeps more people in bondage. Let begin to set people free for real by telling the truth: Christians struggle, they go through, they get attacked, they sin, the make bad choices, etc. The Good news is that because of our relationship which God, we can go to our Heavenly Father and be made whole.

This is not a post condoning sin or saying it’s ok to sin. Bu reality is that sin does exist and people are deceived and partake in. So, my heart is to share that the All Knowing All powerful can still heal and deliver when you fall and thought you wouldn’t or when you come to Christ and are still dealing with issues. We all fall short and need God. Only God is perfect and equipped to deal with our mess. God is in the wholeness and healing business.

God love us and ask us to come as we are. Then, He touches our sin. Some Christian has it twisted. They want people to be clean, and then accept Jesus OR when they accept Jesus to should stop everything all at once.

Walking out one's salvation is a process. God saves us & then the Holy Ghost address our live as when pursue Him more. This is done on God's time table. He is our Creator and the Potter. As Christians, we must learn to love our brother or sister in Christ while God is transforming him. This is what being a part of God’s family is all about. Get a revelation, Church!

Just it's easy as it is to forget our own humble beginnings in the natural, we can often for our beginnings in the spiritual. We did not start as the spiritual giants we perceive ourselves to be. We all started as babes. Additionally, God had brought us through our own mess. So, be compassionate and patience with others, as God was and still is with you. God is an immediate, straightway, suddenly God. But many times, He chooses to change us by a process. Allow others go through their own process.

If you find yourself in a process, don't fret. God loves you and is truly invested in your victory and coming testimony! Additionally, God is faithful, capable, and qualified to complete what He started in you. So, exhale and cut yourself some slack even if others won’t.

Begin to see yourself as God sees you. See what He created you to be. Give God praise in advance for the manifestation as you seek Him for your wholeness, only part of your birthright. See yourself as the Royal Priesthood King/Queen in Christ Jesus that you are. Have faith in God that He will do and complete what He said. And ignore those who only point your faults without offering to be apart of your transformation in God.

Hang in there! God is not done with you yet. Look at David! I praise God for your full victory and you walking into you destiny! In Jesus Name


Please feel free to share your praise report.

You sister in Christ,


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