Here’s a valuable lesson, I recently learned. Many times, we are face with life issues that may invoke various emotions. One may feel stress, pain, loss, emptiness, etc. We are program in our society, I seem to slap a Band-Aid on the emotion and keep walk.
I grew up in a home where there was never a discussion on feelings. Feelings were irrelevant. You just kept moving on. The positive to that is that in a crisis, I am able to push through, make sound decisions, and accomplish the task at hand. But on the opposite end, it’s easy to image dysfunction such an environment can produce. This is why in my adult home, we discuss and share feelings appropriately according to God’s Word. Additionally, society, tells us to take a drink , pop a pill, eat a piece of cake, buy an outfit, purchase a fancy car, sleep with that man… anything to dumb the pain or escape the issue at hand..
However, true happiness and freedom comes when we realize that Band-Aids are only temporary fixes. They were never designed to bring healing. This is why we find ourselves quickly feeling the same low after sleeping with the woman or purchasing the dress. Band-Aids don’t work! They are counter-productive. In fact, they are destructive.
Dear hearts, there is no substitute for God! Only God can heal better than any attempt from a Band-Aid. Give your pain to God. Trust him to make you whole again.
Using Band-Aids to cover up your pain only prolongs your process. Trust God to comfort and take care of you. No more hiding out under Band-Aids. It’s time to break forth in the Name of Jesus! Let the butterfly out of the cocoon and soar high toward your destiny. God has need of you and an assignment that He predestined for only you to do!
With love,