Hello everyone,
I have blogged since December. I apologize. In December, I started graduate school fulltime. It's been a wonderful and challenging adventure. I just completed my first quarter with great success.
As I look back, I remember how nervous I was to begin the journey of graduate school. I blog and share from my heart what God speaks to me. But graduate school involves a lot of academic writing. It's nothing like staring fear in the face and saying to it, "bring it on". I have done that all my life and graduate school was not going to intimidate me.
Well, I just completed my first quarter and received an "A" in one course and a "B" in the other course. I have a 3.5 GPA. All I can say is "HA HA HA HA" to fear and to God be the glory! Additionally, I have received noticed that I am now eligible to apply for my university's $3,000 scholarship.
Welcome to New Chapter Ministries where we are reminded that it is never to late to turn the page and start a New Chapter. God has predestined a plan/promise for you. I use this blog to share my experiences that God used to help me begin a new chapter in life..to help me believe once again that God still has a plan for me. We are speaking the resurrection power to all dead areas in our lives and pushing forward to our destiny!